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Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
Nick - PS3 Division I_vote_lcapNick - PS3 Division I_voting_barNick - PS3 Division I_vote_rcap 
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 Nick - PS3 Division

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PostSubject: Nick - PS3 Division   Nick - PS3 Division I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 7:21 pm

Nick - PS3 Division HaloRemixed

Hey guys, My name is Nick. I am on the PS3 and I play Modern Warfare 2. Lets skip this part and go over to my Statistics shall we? Here we go.

Here are my statistics:
PSN: SaintNick10
KDR: 0.72
W/LR: 0.69?
Global Score/Kill rank: In the 900 thousands.
Gameplay tactics: Sometimes I like to run & gun with a silencer on my gun. Take my time and noobtube with OMA and Danger close but that class is only when I'm playing with my buds. OR, I try quickscoping/hardscoping which most of the time I fail but I only fail in public matches Very Happy . And if I'm with a team/party such as this clan. I go into percision mode. But if I'm pissed off, I just tryhard.

Maturity: Thats a tough part I have to explain. See, I'm mostly yelling at the TV if I'm pissed off enough... And troll people with messages, but I ONLY do that if I'm with people who tollerate it.. In this case I won't do it anymore if I'm accepted into this clan. I love to joke around and laugh, and not get serious 24/7, but only when needed.

Activity: I will come on this forum EVERY day. I come on the computer every day so this will most likely be my #1 priorty online. At the moment, I'm stuck between the 3.41 firmware with sony's dumbass gonna put that up. I have to wait and get my newer laptop from my house to download it from the PS3 site up to my thumb gig and put it inside my PS3 to play with it again. Until then, I'm on the computer and watching TV. If you've read all of this, thank you for your time.

Badass Santa (ROFL).
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PostSubject: Re: Nick - PS3 Division   Nick - PS3 Division I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 11:03 pm

Welcome to the clan Enjoy your Stay
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