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Retribution Clan Forum

Forum for the Online Gaming Clan Retribution.
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Posts : 62
Join date : 2010-06-29
Age : 34
Location : Salisbury, MD

Rules Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Rules I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 11, 2010 4:33 pm

Welcome to Retribution.
Below is the list of rules that I expect to be followed.

1. Personality and maturity are required in a prospective member.

2. It is required that members visit this forum at least 2 to 3 times a week.

3. SOF223, WykdJester, PsychoticKingAJ, and darkwolfwalker are the leaders, if you have a problem come to us. If you have a technical problem on the forum send a PM to Stychez.

4. Once you're in Retribution you cannot under any circumstance be involved with another clan.

5. Remember this when you get in, you represent us. Don't make us look bad.

6. Never give permission to anyone outside our clan the right to wear our tag.

7. You must get prior approval from one of the leaders before setting anything up.

8. Our clan has zero tolerance for hackers. If you join and you are caught hacking, you will be given no warning and you will be permanently banned from the forum and you will not be able to join our games.

9. When online be respectful and don't start in the lobby talking trash and disrespecting others.

10. First offenses are punishable by a verbal warning, second offenses are taken to the leaders of the clan and we will vote on what your punishment will be. Depending on the offense if there is a third time you may be kicked from the clan and forum or you will be suspended for 1-3 weeks depending on the offense.

11. If the leaders ask you to do something we expect it done, if the leaders tell you to do something and you do not do it, it can result in some form of punishment. We aren't going to make you do anything unethical so we expect it done in a timely manner.

12. No bumping forums or spamming them.

13. Respect all members.

14. Act like an adult you'll be treated like an adult. Act like a child you'll be treated like a child.

15. Make sure all posts on the forum go in the correct category and that there isn't already a topic related to what you want to post.

16. New members MUST fill out the application, just cause you fill out an application doesn’t mean you have been accepted.

17. Don't ask for a position in the clan when the time is right you will be put where you're supposed to be.

18. No double posting.

19. When someone is talking, be respectful, wait for them to finish what they are saying then say whatever is on your mind.

20. If we have a meeting and you participate, speak when spoken to and if the meeting involves someone from another clan only the leaders should be heard until the issues have been resolved. After which you may speak freely.

21. Respect your superiors, if you disrespect one of the leaders or someone from the high command you will be warned and then if you do it again, you will be suspended.

22. Recruiting will be left to recruitment staff only. If you think a someone should apply make sure you send a PM so SOF223 and I will direct the concern to the right person.

23. Respect any other people outside of the clan. Do not under any circumstance take part in online fighting, name calling, derogatory remarks, defamation or any other outlandish behavior.

24. Failure to follow any of these simple rules will result in suspension and second offenses will land you removed from the clan.
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